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Cacao: Heart Opener

Cacao: Heart Opener

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Cacao has long been considered a Food of the Gods and carries a long history of ceremonial use among our ancestors. This motherly medicine is a heart opener and leaves us feeling uplifted and energized. This Hapé blend carries the energy of strength and love, expressing a balanced spirit between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. 

Dreamy Earth's customers have expressed deep love for this medicinal blend and the sweet support offered when feeling irritable, overwhelmed, or closed in the heart space. This blend is medium strength, start with a humble dose and work your way up as needed. The energy of Cacao Hapé is complimentary with a slow, long exhale in the kuripe. 

May this Cacao Hapé be nourishing to your heart and spirit.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
chu cho
Cacao Hapé

After communing only with Eucalyptus hapefor a long time, i was about to run out so I placed my order about 3 weeks ago with Shanti & decided to get the Cacao, Jatoba & Parica. I’ll focus on the cacao hapé for this review. I really enjoy connecting with Hapé & I love the cacao blend very much. Its very powerful & calm. It is definitely a heart opener & I commune with Hapé each day & meditate with it. Cacao feels very warm, gentle yet strong. I definitely dont have a favorite blend because i really love them all. I am truly grateful.

Instant fave

This is my new favorite blend and my go to for meditation and general use. It feels like a nice hug and is very gentle

Jasmine Sierra

I absolutely love cacao blend. Easily a favorite. Truly brings you to heart center. Helps me to see lovingly into my shadows and helps me to ground into the heart of the moment. Truly special blend. Thank you!

Cacao and veia de pajé Rapè

Wows these are impressive!!

From my experience it was a smooth and challenging until I surrendered, and then animals were coming up to us like the squirrels and a blue jay came up and introduced themselves to us!
The energy felt calm and nurturing and freeing!

I’ve had othe Rapé’s in the past but this is my new go to!

Jennifer Wood

Beautiful medicine! So healing ☺️